Jack Herer


Body High, Cerebral, Creative, Euphoria, Happy
-May Relieve 
Arthritis, Chronic Pain, Depression, Fatigue, Headaches, Migraines, Nausea, PTSD, Stress
Herbal, Lemon, Pine, Spicy, Sweet, Woody
Earthy, Lemon, Spicy, Sweet, Woody
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Buy Jack Herer Marijuana Strain

Jack Herer is easily one of the best-known strains in America. Originating in California, this sativa honors the memory of Jack Herer the man, a longtime local cannabis activist and medical marijuana user. It’s not quite as strong as its popularity might suggest, but the high is heady and distinctive. Jack Herer has a unique loamy smell and taste with hints of pine and trees. The sativa high is happy, bubbly, and euphoric, spurring energy and creativity. Jack Herer is ideal for errands and other daytime activities.

This strain is effective for patients with mental or neurological disorders, including bipolar disorder, anxiety, migraines, PTSD, and ADHD. Dry mouth and red eyes are common, along with occasional dizziness and paranoia. Jack Herer is popular throughout the United States, but, like many other strains, it’s most popular in the West.Jack Herer’s flowers are not particularly visually impressive: pale to medium green leaves form in densely-packed buds that are more elongated that rounded. The trichome count is high, making this a very sticky plant to handle. What Jack Herer lacks in visual appeal, though, it makes up for in scent.

Cured properly, the flowers have a deep floral bouquet with hints of orange and lemon zest. Breaking open the dense buds shows off more of the citrus scent along with a peppery kick. When burnt, the flowers give off a surprisingly clean and herbal scent, similar to sage. The very smooth and easy smoke tastes similarly herbal. Although not overwhelmingly pungent, Jack Herer leaves behind a lingering spicy-floral odor giving the general impression of potpourri.

Jack Herer Marijuana Strain Effects

This strain acts quickly — users are hit with a strong headrush that is noticeably more energizing than disorienting. As time progresses, or greater doses are consumed, this initial tingle spreads down the neck and through the limbs, creating a sense of relaxation without immobilizing. What follows is an alert and easily suggestible high marked by creativity.

This is a particularly good strain for creative brainstorming and visualization. The sense of ease and creativity also makes Jack Herer great for facilitating conversation in social settings. Because it provides dual relaxation and buzz for the mind and body, Jack Herer typically leaves users feeling stimulated but in full lucid control of their actions. This mellow high is good for treating low-grade stress, anxiety, and depression. Users have also described relief from migraines.

Although not high in CBD, Jack Herer can also be beneficial for chronic aches and pains. It is not recommended for those suffering from insomnia, as the stimulation of thought and mood can actually keep users awake. More of a daytime treat than an evening medication, Jack Herer could be considered an ideal “wake and bake” strain.

Jack Herer Cultivation

Seeds of Jack Herer are available from the strain’s creator Sensi; alternatively, prospective growers can obtain mature clippings from healthy plants in order to grow clones. Sensi describes four distinct phenotypes of Jack Herer: two that lean indica and two that are predominantly sativa. Outdoor growers should plant in Mediterranean-like climates that maintain daily temperatures between 72 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

Because plants can reach heights of 8 feet in certain conditions, indoor growers should be sure to curb the height of Jack Herer by topping and by flowering soon after the plants take root. Jack Herer typically has a lower than average yield. It flowers within a comparatively long 10 weeks when grown indoors and is ready for harvest in mid to late October.

Jack Herer’s well-rounded high makes it a great strain for cannabis newcomers. It’s uniquely social in its ability to facilitate conversation while allowing users to maintain a semblance of awareness. The rich, floral scent is bound to attract attention — which may alternately be a conversation starter or a way to attract undue attention. Jack Herer is also a solid option for solo use, as it allows for creative thinking and a soaring sense of euphoria.


1 Oz, 14 grams, 4 Oz ( QP )


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